Pro Features

Accordion Menu

Demo Check out the menu on the left of this page to see a live demo of the Accordion menu....

Custom Icons

Adding a Custom Icon to a menu item To add a custom icon to a menu item, open the Mega...

Custom Item Styling

Styling individual Menu Items The ability to apply custom styling to individual menu items is one of the most powerful...

Image Swap

The image swap functionality within Max Mega Menu Pro (v2.2+) allows you to place an image within a sub menu,...

Custom Fonts

Adding Support for Custom Fonts If your theme implements non standard, non Google Fonts (eg, TypeKit fonts) you can add...

Font Awesome

Max Mega Menu has built in support for Font Awesome 6. It also includes compatibility for Font Awesome Pro when...


To add a Genericon icon to a menu item, open the Mega Menu settings for the menu item and click...

Google Fonts

Using Google Fonts A list of all available Google Fonts will be automatically added to the Theme Editor upon installation...

Mobile Toggle Blocks

What is a ‘Mobile Toggle Block’? Mobile Toggle Blocks are displayed inside the toggle bar when the site is viewed...

Menu Logo

Max Mega Menu Pro includes functionality that lets you replace an existing menu item with something else: either a logo,...

Menu Item Badges

Menu item badges are ideal for bringing attention to an individual menu item. As they accept shortcodes, we can also...

Roles & Restrictions

Using the “Roles” tab in Max Mega Menu Pro it’s possible to show menu items only to specific user groups, or by...

Search Box

Max Mega Menu Pro includes functionality that lets you replace an existing menu item with something else: either a logo, a...

Sticky Menu

Using Max Mega Menu Pro it is possible to make your menus stick to the top of the page as...

Tabbed Mega Menus

How to set up a Tabbed Mega Menu Menu Structure The menu structure defines the tabs which are visible in...


In this guide we’ll bring together many of the options available within Max Mega Menu to display a WooCommerce cart...

Vertical Mega Menu

Vertical Mega Menus can be aligned to the left or right hand side of the page. Creating a Vertical Mega...