A blank screen appears when I click the blue ‘Mega Menu’ button

This issue is almost always down to a plugin conflict, but it can also be caused due to a theme conflict.

Please check the Appearance > Menus page source and look for any plugins that include ‘colorbox.js‘ or ‘colorbox.css‘ (just search for ‘colorbox’) and disable the plugin.

If it is not obvious which plugin is including colorbox, try disabling all plugins and check to see if the settings load correctly. Then enable plugins one by one until it breaks again. Once you have identified the conflicting plugin please report the plugin to support so we can work on a compatibility fix.

If the issue persists with all plugins disabled, please try switching theme. If you find your theme is causing the issue, please report the theme to support so we can work on a compatibility fix.


If you have tried disabling all plugins and switching theme, and it is still not working, try following the instructions below.

Using Chrome Developer Tools it is possible to check the response from the server when the menu settings are loaded. There are often clues in the response which point to the problem.

  1. Enable WP_DEBUG
  2. Edit the wp-includes/load.php  file. Find:

    Replace with:
  3. Right click on the page and go to “Inspect”
  4. In Developer Tools, click the “Network” tab.
  5. Click the blue “Mega Menu” button to open the mega menu settings
  6. Within the “Network” tab, you should find a request to “admin-ajax.php”. This is the request to the server which loads the mega menu settings (note: WordPress will create it’s own admin-ajax.php request every 30 seconds, so make sure you select the correct request)
  7. Click the “admin-ajax.php” request and check the “Response” tab. If the request fails, or is corrupted, you should find clues as to what the issue is within the response.
  8. Remember to undo the changes from step 1 and 2.

Below is a video of how the request should appear:


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