Menu Location Settings

Under Mega Menu > Menu Locations you’ll find configuration options that control the behaviour of each of your menu locations. Click a menu location name to expand the options for that location. You’ll see a green tick next to each location where Max Mega Menu is enabled.

General Settings Tab


Check this option to enable Max Mega Menu on the selected location.


Set whether the menu opens on Click, Hover or Hover Intent.


Set the dropdown menu effect on desktop.

Effect (Mobile)

Set the menu opening effect on mobile.


Choose the menu theme to apply to the selected menu location.

Advanced Tab

Click Event Behaviour

If you have the menu event sent to ‘Click’, or you are viewing your site on a touch screen device (where the event will automatically be switched to ‘Click’), then this setting defines what should happen on the second click of a menu item which has a sub menu.

By default the first click (or tap) on a menu item will open the sub menu, and the second click will close the sub menu. This makes it impossible to follow the link itself. If you want your users to be able to follow the link, set this option to “First click opens sub menu, second click follows the link”.

Mobile Sub Menu Behaviour

Choose whether open sub menus on mobile should remain open until manually closed, or whether they should automatically close when a different sub menu is opened.

Mobile Menu Default State

Define the default state of the sub menus when the mobile menu is visible.

This option will enable or disable the output of menu item descriptions. Descriptions can be added to menu items by going to Appearance > Menus and expanding a menu item. Within the menu item settings you should see a “Description” text box. If you do not see that option, click the “Screen Options” tab in the top right of the page and enable Descriptions.

Unbind JavaScript Events

Advanced Users Only. By default we will remove any JavaScript events from the menu that do not belong to the plugin. This is to prevent conflicts with theme JavaScript. In some cases you may want to add your own JavaScript events to the menu items, in which case you can disable this option.

Prefix Menu Item Classes

Enabling this option will add ‘mega-‘ to the start of any custom menu item classes that have been added to the menu.


Set whether the menu should be output in a <div> or <nav> container.

Active Menu Instance

Some themes will output this menu location multiple times on the same page. For example, it may be output once for the main menu, then again for the mobile menu. This setting can be used to make sure Max Mega Menu is only applied to one of those instances.

Display Options

There are a variety of methods to display a menu location on your site. This page details how to output the menu location using either a block, php code, shortcode or widget.

Now we know how to configure the behaviour of each of our menus, lets learn how to display mega sub menus on the front end.

Next up: Mega Menus

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