Pro updates not working

If you are having trouble updating the Max Mega Menu Pro plugin it usually means your license has not been activated on the domain you are trying to update.

Update Failed: Unauthorized

This error message is shown when either your current site URL has not been activated for the licence, or your licence has expired.

Try this first

Go to Mega Menu > Licence and click “Deactivate Licence” then “Activate Licence”. Then try updating the plugin again.

Still not working?

You’ll need to activate your licence key (under Mega Menu > License) for the website you’re developing in order to enable Max Mega Menu Pro updates. The key is activated against the current domain, and will only work for that domain.

If you have developed the site locally and then moved the site to a different domain, you will need to revalidate your license against the new domain. This also applies if you have changed your site URL since you activated the licence.

To check which site(s) you have activated/to deactivate a site:

  1. Log in to your client area
  2. Click “View Licenses”
  3. Click “Manage Sites”
  4. Deactivate any domains that are no longer being used
  5. Log into the WordPress site you are trying to update and go to Mega Menu > License to reactivate your licence key
  6. Once the license has been activated against your new domain the updates should start working

You will also be able to see if your licence has expired and requires renewal from your client area.

Update Failed: SSL Error / Connection timed out

To make a secure connection to our server, your server needs to run up to date versions of SSL and CURL. If your server is running out of date versions of SSL or CURL then the update/licence activation will fail.

Please install the TLS 1.2 Compatibility Test plugin to check if your server meets the SSL and CURL requirements. If your server doesn’t meet the requirements, the plugin will advise you on how to fix it. Important: In the TLS Compatibility Test settings, make sure you change the ‘Select API Endpoint’ to ‘Hows my SSL?’.

Update Failed: Could not copy file […]

This error is due to the permissions on the wp-content/plugins  or wp-content/plugins/megamenu-pro  folder being incorrect. It is most likely to happen if you developed your website locally, then uploaded it to a live server without re-checking the folder permissions.

Please review the permissions and owner on the wp-content/plugins  and wp-content/plugins/megamenu-pro  folder and make sure your web user has permission to delete and write to those directories and their sub directories.

Alternatively you can use an FTP client to completely remove the wp-content/plugins/megamenu-pro  folder (don’t worry, your settings will not be removed), then follow the instructions below to manually install the update through the WordPress interface. This will reset the permissions on the plugin folder and allow future updates to be installed as normal.

Update Failed: Could not create directory […]

If you are using a Windows server, install the Windows Compatibility Fix plugin.

How to manually update Max Mega Menu Pro

You will always be able to download the latest version of Max Mega Menu Pro from your client area.

To install:

  1. Download the latest zip file from your client area
  2. Login to your WordPress site and go to the Plugins page
  3. Deactivate and delete Max Mega Menu Pro (you will not lose your settings)
    If you are unable to delete the plugin through WordPress (due to incorrect permissions on the server), use an FTP Client to manually delete the wp-content/plugins/megamenu-pro folder
  4. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin and select the zip file from step 1.

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