Smooth Scroll / One Page Navigation
To enable smooth scrolling to a section of the page when a menu item is clicked, we recommend installing the Page Scroll to ID plugin.
To highlight menu items as the page scrolls, go to Mega Menu > Menu Themes > Custom Styling and add the following:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
#{$wrap} #{$menu} > li.mega-menu-item > a.mega-menu-link.mPS2id-highlight { @include background($menu_item_background_hover_from, $menu_item_background_hover_to); color: $menu_item_link_color_hover; font-weight: $menu_item_link_weight_hover; text-decoration: $menu_item_link_text_decoration_hover; border-color: $menu_item_border_color_hover; } |